About me
aphasia is about where i am now
Hi. My name is Ed Nunez. In December 2019, I decided that I was ready for retirement from work. I was an executive as a Senior Vice President, Compensation and Benefits for a large IT company in Virginia. I planned to play golf and wait a little while to get back to reconnect with former colleagues on doing some consulting once we got through Covid-19.
In June, I had a stroke. I found about aphasia. They told me that reading or writing would become a challenge. I felt that in June that my life was starting again. The first several months were difficult. Working with many helped my support. There is hope.
My goal is to learn how to work on my language, build my computer applications, send my photography, and help aphasia get awareness.
Everything in my language always seems to be wrong. I will do it over again until I get it better. Enjoy.
Send me a message for Aphasia information.
I am working every day learning about Aphasia for myself. Hopefully, others will learn what I can find out and use it to help them better.
If you do not have Aphasia, learning about others makes them easier for them to be patients and help them their day. Please send an email and let me know how you are.
My language is not easy, so be patient with how people work on them.
email: enunez@aphasia-rocks.com
Ed Núñez